PRMS Risk Management’s 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

PRMS Risk Management’s 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

It’s almost the start of a new year, and we can likely all agree that we are glad to say ‘goodbye’ to 2020 – a year that has, among so much else, upended healthcare, economies, and mental health.  Not only has the pandemic changed the way you practice psychiatry, but it also created new risks.  So as we begin a new year, our PRMS Risk Managers (or “Mayhem Managers” as they’ve become known) have a few key resolutions to consider in 2021.

Given these tumultuous times, we have reduced the number of resolutions this year. You may already be doing everything suggested below – if so, keep up the great work!  And if not, you may find these resolutions useful to your practice – it’s never too late to start implementing!

  1. When treating patients remotely, I will check on licensure requirements in the state where the patient will be located at the time of the visit (if different from my state).


  1. I will be proactive and create a plan for the unlikely event of my sudden unavailability or inability to practice.


  1. I will continue to address cybersecurity to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of my patient’s health information.


  1. I will consider using a suicide assessment tool when evaluating patients’ suicidality.


  1. I will check the relevant state’s Prescription Monitoring Program when prescribing controlled substances.

Great work in 2020, despite the challenges and pivots the year has thrown our way. PRMS continues to be proud of the work psychiatrists and our partners do for the behavioral healthcare community, and we wish you a safe 2021!


To learn more about the superior psychiatry-specific insurance program and comprehensive services offered by PRMS, click here.

Authored by PRMS.


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(800) 245-3333  |

Professional Risk Management Services® © 2025

Actual terms, coverages, conditions and exclusions may vary by state and are subject to underwriting. Insurance coverage provided by
Fair American Insurance and Reinsurance Company (FAIRCO), New York, NY (NAIC 35157). FAIRCO is an authorized carrier in California, ID number 3715-7.
PRMS, The Psychiatrists' Program and the PRMS Owl are registered Trademarks of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a parent company of FAIRCO.