Guest Blog: Jackie Palumbo, CPC, ELI-MP Reflects on 24 Years at PRMS

Guest Blog: Jackie Palumbo, CPC, ELI-MP Reflects on 24 Years at PRMS

After 24 years with the company, Jackie Palumbo, CPC, ELI-MP, Director of Underwriting & Insurance Services at PRMS, is retiring. As she prepares to pivot in her career, turning her years of executive leadership experience into a new role as a professional life coach, we asked her to reflect on how the medical malpractice industry, the mental healthcare community, and PRMS has evolved during her tenure.

After a lifetime career in the medical malpractice insurance industry – with more than half of that time as an executive with PRMS – it is time for me to retire and launch my own coaching business.  As I reflect on my time with PRMS, I am deeply grateful for the diverse people I have worked with, the clients I have served, and the business partners I have collaborated with. 

When the practice of psychiatry experienced changes in technology, medications, and such, our PRMS team responded to each of those changes by providing specialized insurance protection, state-of-the-art service, superior claims management, and exceptional educational guidance. We knew the care and concern of psychiatrists for their patients would remain unchanged.  The foundation of our success is built upon the professional respect we hold for each other and our clients, our ability to act quickly and set the standard for our competitors.  The PRMS culture is unique in that we are a family, supported by the psychiatric community and in support of the psychiatric community. And because of that, the friendships I have made throughout my tenure will always hold a special place in my heart. 

At this unprecedented time in our world, it has been tremendously heartwarming for me to witness the response to the COVID-19 healthcare crisis by the psychiatric community, behavioral healthcare providers, and my awesome colleagues at PRMS.  It comes as no surprise that our organization and the people and community we serve would immediately step up to assure protection and safety – because this is our status quo!

Yes, I am sad to be leaving, but I am excited to watch PRMS’s continued success.  I encourage everyone to embrace change with an open mind and a kind heart. I thank everyone who has made my 24-year journey so very rewarding and memorable.

With kind regards,

Jackie Palumbo

Jackie also shares more about her career and time at PRMS in her Life of PRMS blog post, which was posted during the company’s 30th anniversary year.


To learn more about the superior psychiatry-specific insurance program and comprehensive services offered by PRMS, click here.

Authored by PRMS.

Categories: PRMS Blog

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