The Life of PRMS: David Cash

I started my legal career as an Assistant Public Defender in the Mental Health Division of Maryland’s Office of the Public Defender. Through my work and in my personal life, I had become friends with plenty of psychiatrists and, when I saw the job advertisement for a Risk Manager position with PRMS, I sought their feedback. It was all positive. “They’re a great company,” and “they put on really good seminars” was what I was universally told. I pushed aside my uncertainty about entering the corporate workforce and joined PRMS. That was almost 17 years ago, and it has turned out to be an awesome gig.

My absolute favorite part of working at PRMS is that I get to interact with psychiatrists. Our clients are an intelligent, insightful, and compassionate group. Whether I am assisting a client on the Risk Management Consultation Service, chatting at a reception, or fielding questions at one of our seminars, those qualities always come through. While I relish my role as a physician educator, I usually feel like I benefit more from our interactions than the clients that I speak with.

PRMS’ workplace diversity is a great strength. Staff at PRMS have hailed from almost every state in the nation from Alaska to Florida to California to New Hampshire – plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Additionally, we have been enriched by members of our team who have come from international backgrounds such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, France, India, Montenegro, Vietnam, Lebanon, Hungary, Trinidad, Taiwan, China, Philippines, Ukraine, Great Britain, South Africa and Jamaica. We learn from each other and we grow from shared and new experiences.

I especially appreciate the guidance and support – and significant freedom in doing my work – that Donna Vanderpool and Jackie Melonas, before her, have given me. They both are great colleagues. They even tolerated my “ponytail phase” with patience and grace.

Many years ago, I spoke at an event. Colleagues from Underwriting and Marketing were staffing a booth at the event and I visited the booth before my presentation. As we were all chatting, an exhibitor from a neighboring booth leaned over and said, “I want to work for your company. It seems like you guys have fun – like you really like each other.” We do.


Categories: Life of PRMS, PRMS Blog

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Professional Risk Management Services® © 2025

Actual terms, coverages, conditions and exclusions may vary by state and are subject to underwriting. Insurance coverage provided by
Fair American Insurance and Reinsurance Company (FAIRCO), New York, NY (NAIC 35157). FAIRCO is an authorized carrier in California, ID number 3715-7.
PRMS, The Psychiatrists' Program and the PRMS Owl are registered Trademarks of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a parent company of FAIRCO.