PRMS Helps Fund Travel Awards

PRMS Helps Fund Travel Awards for Residents

Training psychiatry residents to realize the best possible outcomes with patients means giving them the expertise to be the best that they can be with training programs that put them on a learning continuum and further their professional growth.

That’s one reason why PRMS matched travel awards for outstanding residents with an interest in psychiatric education to take part in the annual meeting of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT) this past March.

AADPRT is a vital and very important group of residency training directors. The group’s annual meeting draws the best and the brightest who gather to learn from one another and advance the field of psychiatry.

PRMS contributions have also helped match member contributions toward endowment of the Lucille Fusaro Meinsler Coordinator Award, which recognizes a deserving psychiatry residency coordinator each year. That endowment was established in honor of the retirement of Meinsler, a longstanding AADPRT administrative director. To be considered, applicants must have a minimum of five years of experience as a psychiatry program coordinator.

“We are very grateful for PRMS’ support,” said Brian A. Palmer, M.D., MPH, a Rochester, Minn. psychiatrist and chair of the AADPRT Development Committee. “The matching funds provided by PRMS will double the impact of AADPRT members’ donations toward travel awards for outstanding residents committed to psychiatric education and help boost the endowment of our Lucille Fusaro Meinsler Coordinator Award.”

Founded in 1970, AADPRT works tirelessly to further the education and professional development of psychiatry educators and program coordinators by encouraging individual and institutional members to take advantage of its networking, educational programs, and especially its annual meeting.

You can learn more about the travel awards or donate towards this initiative on the AADPRT website.

Categories: PRMS Blog, Residents

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