2013 APA Annual Meeting

We are headed to the APA Annual Meeting

PRMS will be at this year’s APA Annual Meeting, as it has been for every annual meeting since 1987. We truly do look forward to this meeting all year, because we know that we will see so many of our clients, both long-term and brand-new, face-to-face.

We have posted our locations and agenda on our website, but in short, you can attend one of our CME risk management seminars on Sunday, visit with us in our hospitality suite on Sunday and Monday, hear Donna Vanderpool, our VP-Risk Management, speak as a co-presenter at a course on Monday (“Can’t Work or Won’t Work” – course registration required through the APA) and a workshop on Tuesday (“Minimizing Harm in Forensic Psychiatric Evaluations”).

Of course, if you can’t make it to San Francisco, our staff in the office will be able to help you with whatever you need – underwriting, claims or risk management services – while the rest of us are away.

Thanks to all of you for your support of PRMS.  It is an honor to have you as a client.

4300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203
(800) 245-3333  |  clientservices@prms.com

Professional Risk Management Services® © 2025

Actual terms, coverages, conditions and exclusions may vary by state and are subject to underwriting. Insurance coverage provided by
Fair American Insurance and Reinsurance Company (FAIRCO), New York, NY (NAIC 35157). FAIRCO is an authorized carrier in California, ID number 3715-7.
PRMS, The Psychiatrists' Program and the PRMS Owl are registered Trademarks of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a parent company of FAIRCO.