What a difference a few months make for Kraftlove Inc., a nonprofit that provides creative crafting kits to hospitalized children facing a variety of illnesses and challenges. When Kraftlove was launched earlier this year, PRMS was proud to help provide funding and volunteer support for the unique crafting-for-a-cause program. Since then, it has really taken off. We are deligh ...
October 2015
PRMS Supports Training to Help Treat Invisible Wounds of Combat
Psychiatric wounds of war can run deep. Veterans often struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), depression and substance use. Training to identify, treat or refer veterans for help and to better understand military culture is critical. That is why PRMS recently provided support for the New York State Psychiatric Association’s (NYSPA ...
National Depression Screening Day
Today is National Depression Screening Day. This is the 25th anniversary of this yearly event, created by Screening for Mental Health (SMH), an organization founded by Dr. Douglas Jacobs. The organization hopes to create a world where mental health is viewed and treated with the same gravity as physical health, and depression screening helps make that vision a reality. Facts a ...
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