PRMS Blog: Get the Latest Psychiatric News


As a part of PRMS’ ongoing commitment to behavioral health, we invited Doctor Frank Perkins, PGY-3 Psychiatry Resident at the University of Mississippi Medical Center Department of Psychiatry to be featured as our guest blogger this month. The weekend of February 14 – 17, 2019, the Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association and Mississippi Psychiatric Association had their combi ...


The Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians (TSPP) has created the TSPP Resident-Fellow Member Travel Scholarship Fund, helping to cover part of the travel costs residents face while attending meetings hosted by TSPP. This initiative will kick into action once $5,000 is raised. TSPP is seeking voluntary donations from members. When the TSPP Resident-Fellow Member Travel Scholar ...


Are you interested in finding available fellowships and awards for yourself or a colleague?  We are pleased to share the following information regarding three organizations that are offering awards and fellowships. Association of Women Psychiatrists (AWP) Fellowship and Award The Association for Women Psychiatrists offers the AWP Fellowship. As stated on its website, “the Fello ...

Categories: Residents

Prior to joining the PRMS team, I didn’t know anything about the insurance industry. I worked for a nonprofit organization planning an annual food and wine fundraising event. When I learned about the position with PRMS, I decided to explore the opportunity. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did! PRMS is more than just a company. Even now, after being here for almost two ye ...

Categories: Life of PRMS, PRMS Blog

On behalf of everyone at PRMS, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a new year full of good health and much happiness. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. In recognition of the commitment and care you provide your patients and to say “thank you,” we will once again make donations to charities that focus on mental healthcare. This year we will continue ...

Categories: PRMS "Gives a Hoot!", NAMI

Only a year and a half ago, I was graduating from the University of Richmond with a degree in marketing. Fast forward a few months and I was beginning my first ever full-time position with PRMS as the new Marketing Assistant. I knew for my first job I wanted to be at a company where I could develop and grow as a marketer and I have found that with PRMS. I have had the opportuni ...

Categories: Life of PRMS, PRMS Blog

Have you heard of an organization called Kraftlove? Kraftlove is a nonprofit that provides creative crafting kits to hospitalized children facing a variety of illnesses and challenges mainly around the Washington DC area. In the three years of box distribution, 2,700 boxes have been assembled and delivered to children. Anhvinh Wright explains the theme of the 2018 fall project ...


As a part of PRMS’ ongoing commitment to behavioral health, we invited Jacob Behrens, MD, in Milwaukee, WI to be featured as our guest blogger this month. ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, often conjures images of rambunctious young boys running circles around a classroom. It is generally more difficult to spot in adults, many of whom have more subtle symptoms ...

Categories: Psychiatrist, Patient Care

You have insurance coverage. You received the lowest rate and have the certificate of insurance. You are properly insured, right? Perhaps not. Here are five of the most common issues you should avoid when choosing a policy.  1. Not having enough licensing board defense coverage. PRMS is seeing increased licensing board activity for many reasons such as aggressive boards, greate ...

It had been cold and rainy in Washington, DC when my colleague, Remy Palmer, RPLU, and I left for the American Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) meeting in Hawaii this past March. Our long plane ride was worth it, not only for the warm weather of Honolulu, but to also catch up with several long-time PRMS clients and make new friends in the field of geriatric psychiatry. Th ...


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PRMS, The Psychiatrists' Program and the PRMS Owl are registered Trademarks of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a parent company of FAIRCO.