PRMS Blog: Get the Latest Psychiatric News

Risk Management on the PRMS Blog

The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times reported on an article in today’s issue of The Lancet entitled “Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide analysis”  (free, but registration required).  The article suggests that there is an apparent genetic relationship involving calcium-channel activity genes among the five major ...


There has been a flurry of news affecting psychiatrists recently, including, but not limited to: – President Obama’s list “Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions” which includes, among 21 others, these actions: – “Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors from asking their patients about guns in their homes.” – “Release a letter to health care providers c ...

Right after Labor Day each year, “meeting season” starts. From early September through mid-November, it seems every psychiatric organization holds a meeting; our goal is to attend as many of them as possible. In the past nine weeks, PRMS staff attended more than 50 meetings throughout the country.  These included APA district branch meetings, US Psychiatric Congress, Northern C ...


We compiled three documents related to child and adolescent psychiatry to distribute to our customers at the AACAP meeting in San Francisco: (1) a resource list of articles and websites on Youth Violence and Homicidal and Suicidal Behavior; (2) a list of the top 50 professional liability points for child and adolescent psychiatrists, and (3) a collection of our own risk managem ...

People are attracted to medicine as a career for myriad reasons, but for most, a key motivator is a desire to help alleviate the suffering of others. At a time when the great suffering of the residents of northeast corridor is evident to all, many doctors are thinking about how they can help. Alas, the legal strictures of modern life force us to advise doctors to control the in ...


We invite you to join us October 22, 2012 in San Francisco, CA for our upcoming risk management seminar on Current Liability Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Opportunities to Minimize Risk. ...

One of the unique benefits of purchasing professional liability insurance through PRMS is access to our extensive risk management services. We have always believed that providing information and resources that help psychiatrists provide better patient care is the best way to reduce exposure to liability. We like to highlight our expertise in risk management through the seminars ...


No one is more pleasantly surprised than I am to see that a number of you have become regular readers of this blog. Up to this point, we at PRMS have chosen the topic of each post, based largely on what we think you may be interested in reading about.  We would, however, like to hear from you. What do you want us to write about?   Please send us your questions.  You can email m ...

A guest blog by Holly Taylor, RN, BSN, JD, Risk Manager Have you heard the term e-iatrogenesis? It was first used in a 2007 article to describe patient harm caused at least in part by the application of health information technology (HIT).[1] HIT includes such things as computer physician order entry, clinical decision support systems, electronic health records (EHRs), etc. Evi ...


PRMS is located in Arlington VA, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC.  On the evening of Friday, June 29, 2012, the “derecho” that formed in the Chicago area that morning hit the Washington metropolitan area with 80 mph winds and heavy rain.  For those of you lucky enough to have not been in an area hit by it, a derecho is a “string of storms that combined inte ...

Categories: PRMS Blog, Risk Management

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PRMS, The Psychiatrists' Program and the PRMS Owl are registered Trademarks of Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a parent company of FAIRCO.