PRMS Blog: Get the Latest Psychiatric News


Every physician knows the three steps of experiential education: first you watch over someone’s shoulder, then you get to try it yourself, and finally you demonstrate mastery by teaching the next group of neophytes. This could well be the earliest form of education, since at its most basic, it doesn’t require anything to be written down nor does it even require the teacher and ...


Although CPT coding for insurance billing purposes is outside the scope of risk management services provided under PRMS’ professional liability insurance policy, we do know that it’s a hot topic for psychiatry right now. If you’re not aware of the upcoming changes, you need to find out about them before January 1, 2013. PRMS staff have attended more than two dozen psychiatry me ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

For over 20 years, NAMI has deemed a week in October as Mental Illness Awareness Week. This year, it began October 7 and ends this weekend. I feel somewhat foolish highlighting this to the specialists who are at the forefront of dealing with the mentally ill and their families. Still, I would urge psychiatrists to check out NAMI’s website for some ideas about making sure that n ...


A guest post by Melanie Smith, Senior Vice President, Client Relations It doesn’t take much. Maybe a quick note or a cheerful card. A colorful drawing by a child. A care package. No. Not much at all to reach out to our troops and to send a message of support their way. For almost a decade, PRMS has actively supported our troops serving in both Afghanistan and Iraq. This volunte ...


We invite you to join us October 22, 2012 in San Francisco, CA for our upcoming risk management seminar on Current Liability Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Opportunities to Minimize Risk. ...

The title of this blog post is not one long typographical error. The first two are easy, but if the last two have you puzzled, consider attending the webinar we’re offering on September 28. For a hint of what the webinar will cover, please check out my colleague Dave Cash’s very brief video. Psychiatrists need to understand the increasing importance of REMS (no, it’s not just “ ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

Earlier this week our Marketing Manager here at PRMS asked me what I was going to write about for the first anniversary of the blog. I told her that I’d think about that in a few months when the anniversary came around. She then reminded me (and proved to me) that we rolled out the blog in September 2011. It has been a short year! So what will we write about in the coming year? ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

One of the unique benefits of purchasing professional liability insurance through PRMS is access to our extensive risk management services. We have always believed that providing information and resources that help psychiatrists provide better patient care is the best way to reduce exposure to liability. We like to highlight our expertise in risk management through the seminars ...


Alas, it’s election season. Every other TV commercial is stridently predicting the End of Life as We Know It (EOLAWKI) if Candidate X is elected instead of Candidate Y. Radio broadcasts are similarly plagued with outraged reminders that Candidate Z once brazenly spoke out of turn in kindergarten, according to a former classmate who remembers the day like it was yesterday and wh ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

No one is more pleasantly surprised than I am to see that a number of you have become regular readers of this blog. Up to this point, we at PRMS have chosen the topic of each post, based largely on what we think you may be interested in reading about.  We would, however, like to hear from you. What do you want us to write about?   Please send us your questions.  You can email m ...

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