PRMS Blog: Get the Latest Psychiatric News


Please be advised that Microsoft will no longer maintain Windows XP as of April 8, 2014.* Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, fix bugs, or offer call center support for Windows XP users. What does this mean for you? If you are still using Windows XP in your practice – 28% of all computer users continue to do so – the security of your Protected Health Information ...


Our May 4th seminar in New York City is now filled. With a topic like “Risk Management as an Anxiolytic: Case Studies in Risk Reduction” it’s no surprise that it has sold out. Due to the limited room capacity, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate everyone. In fact, once registrations began to quickly come in, we worked with the Intrepid to secure a bigger room so that mor ...


To our clients in areas affected by the recent tornadoes: We realize that you are dealing with a myriad of issues due to the recent tornadoes. Please know that we are thinking of you as you face these personal and professional concerns. In the coming days, weeks and months you may have questions about the effects on your practice. If you need copies of any pertinent policy info ...

Categories: PRMS Blog, Disaster

PRMS Panel defense attorneys Laura Herzog of Thomas, Thomas & Hafer (based in Bethlehem, PA) and Tim Holland of The Perry Law Firm (based in Scranton, PA) successfully defended two participants of The Psychiatrists’ Program in a two-week medical malpractice trial. The trial involved allegations of insufficient LFT monitoring for Depakote, and the jury returned a unanimous f ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

If you’ve paid attention to the news lately, you’ve more than likely seen headlines about Johnson & Johnson being involved in litigation related to the marketing of Risperdal.  Recently, our clients have begun to receive more requests for medical records in connection with Risperdal litigation. In the event that you receive any such request, we would like to remind you to k ...

PRMS heads to the suburbs of city of brotherly love this fall as we offer yet another great opportunity to earn CME credit, learn ways to reduce liability risks and recognize emerging trends in the field of psychiatry. PRMS is pleased to present “Medications, Electronic Health Records and More: Managing the Risks of Current Liability Trends” on November 8th in King of Prussia, ...


Have you accessed your state’s PMP lately? Unless you practice in Missouri, the only wrong answer to the question is, “What’s a PMP?” The acronym stands for Prescription Monitoring Program, and Missouri is the only state that has not established one.  So what is it? Here is the definition, according to the Alliance of States with Prescription Monitoring Programs. What is a Pres ...


A man named John Rosemond is licensed in North Carolina as a psychologist.  For over 30 years, Mr. Rosemond has written a syndicated newspaper column that is carried by a couple hundred local papers throughout the country.  He has also written a number of books about his main topic: parenting. (For the record, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen or read his column, and I don’t know ...

Categories: PRMS Blog

A few days ago, an Asiana Airlines 777 crash-landed at San Francisco International Airport.  The comments from the talking heads on TV as well as the general public were predictable: “How could an accident like this happen?” and “It’s a miracle that only two people out of the more than 300 aboard were killed” and “I’ll never feel safe flying again.”  Relatively few noted that i ...


Just recently, the Illinois legislature set aside a psychologist prescribing bill after initially supporting it.  (The Illinois Psychiatric Society’s president, Eldon Trame, MD, gives a nice summary of the whole process here.) What led me to explore what happened in Illinois was an article in the most recent issue of Psychiatric Times, “Why Psychiatrists Are Physicians First,” ...

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